What we offer.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT is a short-term collaborative therapy which reduces the symptoms of psychological distress by targeting problematic physical symptoms, emotions, behaviours and thoughts/beliefs (cognitions) that are maintaining your challenges. This supports the client to identify their problems more clearly, improve their emotional regulation and develop coping strategies. This is often achieved through a psychoeducation about the problem, graded exposure, journaling as well as developing and practising practical skills. Schema-Focused Therapy (SFT) SFT is an integrative approach designed to help with a variety of long-standing psychological problems including personality disorders and chronic depression. It combines elements of CBT, psychoanalysis, attachment theory and emotions focused therapy. It helps the client to understand how they view themselves, others and the world and highlights which unhelpful patterns (schemas) which are being repeated throughout their life and that are contributing to their distress. Schema therapy helps the client to understand and challenge your unhealthy coping responses to meet their core emotional needs. Trauma-Focused CBT (TF-CBT) TF-CBT uses all the aspects of standard CBT but with the focus of graded exposure to help clients reintegrate disturbing, unprocessed, memories of the trauma that are causing current psychological distress. The aim of TF-CBT is to help the client gain more control over their relationship with their trauma and to reduce the associated psychological distress. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) DBT is a form of third wave CBT. Originally it was developed to support women with emotionally unstable personality disorder. Since its development, it has also been used for the treatment of a variety of difficulties such as drug and alcohol problems, difficulties with eating and difficulties in childhood and adolescence. At small steps to wellbeing we offer DBT informed interventions, offering one to one support and skills development. |
Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT)
BFT is a systemic intervention which recognises a family’s strengths and uses them to benefit all members within it. Families will be supported to develop an understanding of their ongoing difficulties and family dynamics before being assisted to improve family communication and problem-solving with the aim of reducing family distress. Parenting/family Interventions All parents/guardians experiences challenges with their child’s behaviour. We offer parents and caregivers individualised sessions, tailored to their needs, on how to manage challenging childhood behaviour and feel more confident in their parenting role. Our approach is based on methods that will promote the child’s developmental needs while reducing the problematic behaviours. Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing (EMDR) EMDR was originally developed to support individuals who have experienced trauma. Yet this method has a growing evidence base in a variety of different presentations. This intervention supports a client to recall an event, along with their thoughts and feelings from the event, whilst moving their eyes in a particular way or using a series of taps. Even significant traumatic memories can be resolved quite rapidly compared to other types of psychological therapy. |